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Glossary Z

Zazen (sitting) meditation in Zen Buddhism

A form of meditation in Zen Buddhism that involves sitting in a specific posture and focusing on the breath.

  1. Mindfulness vs Zen: Which Is What? (Clearing Confusion)


A school of Mahayana Buddhism that emphasizes the attainment of enlightenment through meditation and intuition.

  1. Mindfulness vs Zen: Which Is What? (Clearing Confusion)

Zen meditation

A form of meditation that originated in Zen Buddhism and involves sitting in a specific posture and focusing on the breath.

  1. Mindfulness vs Zen: Which Is What? (Clearing Confusion)

Zen tradition

A school of Mahayana Buddhism that emphasizes meditation and intuition over scripture and ritual.

  1. Mindfulness vs Zen: Which Is What? (Clearing Confusion)