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Glossary N

Nadi Shodhana (Alternate Nostril Breathing)

A breathing technique used in yoga to promote relaxation and balance.

  1. Mindfulness vs Yoga: What’s the Connection? (Understanding Terms)
  2. Mindfulness vs Meditation: Know the Difference (Guide)

Narrative therapy

A form of therapy that focuses on the stories and narratives people tell about themselves and their experiences.

  1. Mindfulness vs Psychotherapy: Understanding the Difference (Basics)

Nature immersion

Spending time in natural environments to promote relaxation and well-being.

  1. Mindfulness vs Presence: What’s the Difference? (Guide)

Negative emotions

Feelings such as anger, sadness, or fear that are unpleasant and uncomfortable.

  1. Positive Thinking Vs. Mindfulness: The Truth You Need To Hear
  2. Compassion vs Empathy in Mindfulness (Understanding Terms)
  3. Gratitude vs Mindfulness: A Comparative Look (Basics)
  4. Mindfulness vs Positivity: Exploring Differences (Guide)
  5. Mindfulness vs Stoicism: What’s the Connection? (Understanding Terms)
  6. Mindfulness vs Presence: What’s the Difference? (Guide)
  7. Mindfulness vs Concentration: Unraveling Differences (Essentials)
  8. Mindfulness vs Thoughtfulness: Key Differences (Understanding Terms)
  9. Meditation vs Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (Understanding Terms)
  10. Mindfulness vs Mind Control: What’s the Connection? (Understanding Terms)
  11. Mindfulness vs Self-Awareness: What’s the Connection? (Guide)
  12. Mindfulness vs Mindlessness: What’s Better? (Understanding Terms)
  13. Mindfulness Vs. Distraction: Which One Are You Living In?
  14. Mindfulness vs Visualization: Defining Differences (Guide)
  15. Mindfulness vs Distraction: Know the Difference (Guide)
  16. What are the four elements of using mindfulness to meditate?
  17. What is the role of Buddhism in Northern Ireland when it comes to using mindfulness for meditation purposes?
  18. Breath Awareness Vs. Control: The Ultimate Mindfulness Battle
  19. Are You Too Attached? Non-Attachment Vs. Detachment Demystified
  20. Mindfulness Vs. Escapism: The Critical Difference You Need To Understand
  21. Acceptance vs Mindfulness: Understanding the Connection (Basics)

Neural activity

The electrical and chemical signals that occur between neurons in the brain.

  1. Mindfulness vs Mind-Wandering: Key Differences (Guide)

Neural connections

The strengthening of neural pathways through repeated mindfulness practices.

  1. Breath Awareness Vs. Control: The Ultimate Mindfulness Battle
  2. Mindfulness vs Mind Control: What’s the Connection? (Understanding Terms)
  3. Mindfulness vs Silence: What’s Better? (Guide)

Neural connectivity

The connections and communication between neurons in the brain.

  1. Mindfulness vs Mind-Wandering: Key Differences (Guide)

Neural networks

Networks of interconnected neurons that process and transmit information in the brain.

  1. Mindfulness vs Mind Control: What’s the Connection? (Understanding Terms)

Neural plasticity

The ability of neurons to change and adapt in response to experiences and learning.

  1. Mindfulness vs Mind Control: What’s the Connection? (Understanding Terms)
  2. Acceptance vs Mindfulness: Understanding the Connection (Basics)
  3. Mindfulness vs Flow: Know the Difference (Guide)
  4. Mindfulness vs Mindlessness: What’s Better? (Understanding Terms)

Neurocognitive processes

Mental processes that involve the brain and its functions.

  1. Mindfulness vs Mind Control: What’s the Connection? (Understanding Terms)

Neuroimaging techniques

Methods used to visualize and study the brain, such as MRI or fMRI.

  1. Mindfulness vs Mind-Wandering: Key Differences (Guide)

Neurological benefits

Improved brain function and cognitive abilities through mindfulness practices.

  1. Mindfulness vs Silence: What’s Better? (Guide)

Neurological changes

Alterations in the structure or function of the nervous system.

  1. Mindfulness vs Mindlessness: What’s Better? (Understanding Terms)


The brain’s ability to change and adapt in response to experiences and learning.

  1. Mindfulness vs Consciousness: Clearing the Confusion (Basics)
  2. Mindfulness vs Mind Control: What’s the Connection? (Understanding Terms)
  3. Mindfulness vs Mind-Wandering: Key Differences (Guide)
  4. Meditation vs Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (Understanding Terms)
  5. Mindfulness vs Psychotherapy: Understanding the Difference (Basics)
  6. Breath Awareness Vs. Control: The Ultimate Mindfulness Battle
  7. Mindfulness vs Observation: Defining Differences (Understanding Terms)
  8. Mindfulness vs Silence: What’s Better? (Guide)


A state of enlightenment and liberation from suffering in Buddhist philosophy.

  1. Mindfulness vs Zen: Which Is What? (Clearing Confusion)


Letting go of attachment to thoughts, emotions, and material possessions.

  1. Are You Too Attached? Non-Attachment Vs. Detachment Demystified
  2. Mindfulness vs Zen: Which Is What? (Clearing Confusion)
  3. What are some tips for practicing mindlessness during meditation sessions?
  4. What is Thich Nhat Hanh’s approach to mindfulness meditation?
  5. How does Thich Nhat Hanh’s teachings on mindfulness apply to meditation practice?
  6. What is the role of Buddhism in Northern Ireland when it comes to using mindfulness for meditation purposes?
  7. How can I use mindfulness to meditate?

Non-dualistic thinking

A perspective that sees the interconnectedness and unity of all things, rather than dividing them into opposing categories.

  1. Acceptance vs Mindfulness: Understanding the Connection (Basics)

Non-judgmental attitude

An approach of acceptance and lack of criticism or evaluation towards oneself and others.

  1. Mindfulness vs Thoughtfulness: Key Differences (Understanding Terms)
  2. Mindfulness vs Emotional Intelligence: Key Differences (Guide)
  3. Mindfulness vs Stoicism: What’s the Connection? (Understanding Terms)
  4. What is Thich Nhat Hanh’s approach to mindfulness meditation?
  5. Become Non-Judgmental Without Being Indifferent – Here’s How
  6. Mindfulness vs Presence: What’s the Difference? (Guide)
  7. How can I use Thich Nhat Hanh’s poem “Peace is Every Step” to practice mindfulness meditation?
  8. Acceptance vs Mindfulness: Understanding the Connection (Basics)
  9. Are You Mindful Or Mindless? The Surprising Truth You Need To Hear
  10. What is the role of Buddhism in Northern Ireland when it comes to using mindfulness for meditation purposes?
  11. Mindfulness vs Positivity: Exploring Differences (Guide)
  12. Mindfulness vs Relaxation: Clearing the Confusion (Basics)
  13. Mindfulness vs Yoga: What’s the Connection? (Understanding Terms)
  14. How can I use mindfulness to meditate with a Plum Blossom Sangha?
  15. How does Thich Nhat Hanh’s teachings on mindfulness apply to meditation practice?

Non-judgmental attitude towards self and others

Approaching oneself and others with acceptance and without criticism or evaluation.

  1. Mindfulness vs Yoga: What’s the Connection? (Understanding Terms)

Non-judgmental awareness

The ability to observe one’s thoughts, emotions, and surroundings without judgment or criticism.

  1. Compassion vs Empathy in Mindfulness (Understanding Terms)
  2. Mindfulness vs Presence: What’s the Difference? (Guide)
  3. Attention vs Mindfulness: Understanding the Distinction (Basics)
  4. Mindfulness vs Consciousness: Clearing the Confusion (Basics)
  5. Mindfulness vs Mindlessness: What’s Better? (Understanding Terms)
  6. Acceptance vs Mindfulness: Understanding the Connection (Basics)
  7. How can I use mindfulness to meditate?
  8. Mindfulness vs Positivity: Exploring Differences (Guide)
  9. Reflection vs Mindfulness: Clearing the Confusion (Basics)
  10. Mindfulness: Not Just For Buddhists Anymore – Discover Its True Roots
  11. Mindfulness vs Autopilot: The Real Difference (Guide)
  12. Mindfulness vs Observation: Defining Differences (Understanding Terms)
  13. Mindfulness vs Spiritual Awakening: Clearing the Confusion (Basics)
  14. Mindfulness vs Self-Awareness: What’s the Connection? (Guide)
  15. Step 1: Understand the Definitions
  16. How can I use mindfulness to meditate with a Plum Blossom Sangha?
  17. Mindfulness vs Relaxation: Clearing the Confusion (Basics)
  18. How can I use Thich Nhat Hanh’s poem “Peace is Every Step” to practice mindfulness meditation?

Non-judgmental observation

The act of observing something without judgment or criticism.

  1. Mindfulness vs Concentration: Unraveling Differences (Essentials)
  2. Mindfulness vs Contemplation: Defining Differences (Guide)
  3. Mindfulness vs Consciousness: Clearing the Confusion (Basics)
  4. Mindfulness vs Zen: Which Is What? (Clearing Confusion)
  5. Mindfulness vs Self-Awareness: What’s the Connection? (Guide)
  6. Mindfulness vs Daydreaming: The Real Difference (Guide)
  7. Mindfulness vs Observation: Defining Differences (Understanding Terms)
  8. Mindfulness vs Meditation: Know the Difference (Guide)
  9. Mindfulness vs Presence: What’s the Difference? (Guide)
  10. Mindfulness vs Spiritual Awakening: Clearing the Confusion (Basics)
  11. Meditation vs Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (Understanding Terms)
  12. Mindfulness vs Mind-Wandering: Key Differences (Guide)
  13. Awareness vs Mindfulness: Clearing Confusion (Guide)
  14. Mindfulness vs Distraction: Know the Difference (Guide)
  15. Mindfulness vs Visualization: Defining Differences (Guide)

Non-judgmental observation of thoughts and emotions

The act of observing one’s thoughts and emotions without judgment or criticism.

  1. Mindfulness vs Yoga: What’s the Connection? (Understanding Terms)
  2. Mindfulness vs Zen: Which Is What? (Clearing Confusion)


The ability to observe one’s thoughts and emotions without reacting to them.

  1. Acceptance vs Mindfulness: Understanding the Connection (Basics)
  2. Compassion vs Empathy in Mindfulness (Understanding Terms)
  3. How can I use mindfulness to meditate?


The study of how food affects the body and its functions.

  1. Mindfulness vs Self-Care: What’s Better? (Understanding Terms)

Nutritional counseling

The process of providing guidance and education on healthy eating habits and nutrition.

  1. Mindfulness vs Psychotherapy: Understanding the Difference (Basics)

Nutrition and hydration

The intake of food and fluids necessary for optimal physical and mental health.

  1. Mindfulness vs Self-Care: What’s Better? (Understanding Terms)